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Non electronic Albums

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1Non electronic Albums Empty Non electronic Albums Wed May 27, 2009 1:27 pm



Which non electronic albums (cd/vinyl) should a human being have in its collection?

my opinion:
RHCP - Californication
Cold War Kids - Robbers and Cowards
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not
The Libertines - Up The Bracket
Absynthe Minded - Acquired Taste
and some classics:
Sex Pistols - Nevermind the bollocks
Pink Floyd - Darkside of the moon
Beatles - Srgt Peppers
The Kids - The Kids
Some Johnny Cash
The Velvet underground - the velvet underground & nico

bring it on! bounce


2Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Wed May 27, 2009 2:50 pm



I can agree with a lot of what you're saying but RHCP, no thanks, The Kids are also like unnecessary, any Beatles album will do, they're all awesome but indeed sgt pepper is acidlicious. Oh, and for the arctic monkeys I agree with the idea everyone needs an indiegenre album, but a Franz Ferdinand album or an album from the less known Black Kids, Cribs, Wombats will also do the trick :p
Furthermore I will add these:
The First Soulwax album
A Kanye West album (widen your view people)
Just some Joy Division, Pixies, Nirvana and The Cure.
A Gorillaz album, preferably their first.
And if you want everyone to know you're a music connoisseur a Gonzales album.


3Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Wed May 27, 2009 3:30 pm



CDRC wrote:I can agree with a lot of what you're saying but RHCP, no thanks, The Kids are also like unnecessary, any Beatles album will do, they're all awesome but indeed sgt pepper is acidlicious. Oh, and for the arctic monkeys I agree with the idea everyone needs an indiegenre album, but a Franz Ferdinand album or an album from the less known Black Kids, Cribs, Wombats will also do the trick :p
Furthermore I will add these:
The First Soulwax album
A Kanye West album (widen your view people)
Just some Joy Division, Pixies, Nirvana and The Cure.
A Gorillaz album, preferably their first.
And if you want everyone to know you're a music connoisseur a Gonzales album.

The first kids cd/LP is very important for the belgian punkscene! And 'cause I like punk, that's a must have! It's imo the best punk album ever!
And yeah, all the indie bands you name are great (except Black Kids, their cd is good but not great) and indeed everyone should have some indie! Yeasayer is also great!
A Kanye West album is also necessary! one of the greatest hiphop/pop artists! But as it comes to hiphop, I like Atmosphere too.
another great band is Battles. but thanks kinda electronic


4Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Wed May 27, 2009 4:31 pm



rainbowman wrote:The first kids cd/LP is very important for the belgian punkscene! And 'cause I like punk, that's a must have! It's imo the best punk album ever!

If we're going Belgian, I would prefer the second EP of Plastic Bertrand :p Punk's great!


5Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Fri May 29, 2009 1:14 am


rainbowman wrote:
CDRC wrote:I can agree with a lot of what you're saying but RHCP, no thanks, The Kids are also like unnecessary, any Beatles album will do, they're all awesome but indeed sgt pepper is acidlicious. Oh, and for the arctic monkeys I agree with the idea everyone needs an indiegenre album, but a Franz Ferdinand album or an album from the less known Black Kids, Cribs, Wombats will also do the trick :p
Furthermore I will add these:
The First Soulwax album
A Kanye West album (widen your view people)
Just some Joy Division, Pixies, Nirvana and The Cure.
A Gorillaz album, preferably their first.
And if you want everyone to know you're a music connoisseur a Gonzales album.

The first kids cd/LP is very important for the belgian punkscene! And 'cause I like punk, that's a must have! It's imo the best punk album ever!
And yeah, all the indie bands you name are great (except Black Kids, their cd is good but not great) and indeed everyone should have some indie! Yeasayer is also great!
A Kanye West album is also necessary! one of the greatest hiphop/pop artists! But as it comes to hiphop, I like Atmosphere too.
another great band is Battles. but thanks kinda electronic

Buena Vista Social Club CD is amazing.... but if u don't like cuban music u won't apreciate it :p

6Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Fri May 29, 2009 1:57 am



Jules wrote:Buena Vista Social Club CD is amazing.... but if u don't like cuban music u won't apreciate it :p

Haha I love those old guys! I'm still in love with the song they made with Coco Freeman, the Franz Ferdinand cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD04XCbqIdE


7Non electronic Albums Empty Re: Non electronic Albums Fri May 29, 2009 8:18 pm


CDRC wrote:
Jules wrote:Buena Vista Social Club CD is amazing.... but if u don't like cuban music u won't apreciate it :p

Haha I love those old guys! I'm still in love with the song they made with Coco Freeman, the Franz Ferdinand cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD04XCbqIdE

Yeah it's the album; rythmos del mundo. very nice salsa covers of famous groups!

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