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Question about Sound of stereo

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1Question about Sound of stereo Empty Question about Sound of stereo Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:06 pm

Skitch'n Hitch


I have a question about Sound of Stereo their set at I love techno...

When they hit "Doop (Dolby Anol Hard 90s re-LOL Edit)" into "Zombi nation" the first song kinda slows down before zombi nation starts.

I've tried it on my pioneers with Doop (Dolby Anol Hard 90s re-LOL Edit) Looped at 2:36 en then slowed it hard down with the WIDE pitch. It's the same for 5sec but then the awefull hitchclap comes from Doop (Dolby Anol Hard 90s re-LOL Edit) so it kinda messes up the mix

anyone got a tactic for this one?

You can hear it at +/- 1:50:50




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